Liver Reduction Diet, Day 2

I'm tired.  And I feel meh.  Have a mild headache.  Last night I was exhausted so I went to bed around midnight and woke up a little after 9 today.  I didn't wake up starving, but ate right when I got up.  I opted to NOT torture myself and gag on a protein shake, so instead I had my sugar free Instant Breakfast, which my surgeon allows, with the skim milk.  Breakfast was 146 calories.  For lunch, I did another Instant Breakfast, and my Jello sugar free pudding snack - coming in at 206 calories.  I had another pudding cup for my afternoon snack.  I also ate a sugar-free popsicle after lunch, and  a sugar-free fudgesicle after dinner.

Dinner was 2 ounces of chicken I grilled on my Foreman grill, with 1/2 cup raw sugar snap peas and 1/2 cup snow pea pods.  Dinner was 139 calories.  So far, I'm at 656 for the day, and last night, I ended up at 629 for the day.  Yesterday for lunch I cut some calories, because I had 1/2 scoop of Syntrax Nectar with water for lunch, which is what I'll have tomorrow too.  I also made myself a soup.  I'm allowed broth on my diet.  My husband and son had Ramen for dinner with their chicken and veggies...I drained off the broth to give them the noodles.  I kept the broth for myself and boiled in it 4 baby carrots, 1/3 stalk of celery and 4 green beans.  I made myself a little veggie soup to eat at work tomorrow :)

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