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Geeking Out

I am legit geeking out at the moment. One of my heros, someone who I just admire and respect so much replied to a comment I left for them on Facebook. If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that I'm a total nerd. Things like this just make me grin ear to ear all silly like. I LOVE FREAKING RICHARD SIMMONS! Like love him! I remember always watching his Deal-a-Meal infomercials when I was a kid, and watching his Sweatin' to the Oldies commercials and thinking this guy is awesomesauce!  I've loved him ever since. When I found his Instagram and Facebook page I was so excited. How can you not smile when you see him? He's just awesome. And he replied to my comment! Oh my god I'm dying LOL!! OK, geek out over :)  

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So after 130 pounds lost, I can fully admit now, I see the difference in one of my before/after shots.  On the left is me last May-ish.  It wasn't long post-op that much I know.  I must of been 340ish here maybe?  And there's me now, this past weekend.  Down from a size 28 pants to a 20, and the shirt is a 1 or 2X, I'm not sure, it's one of those vanity sized shirts with a funky size.  The tank top on the left is a 4X and you can see how snug that puppy is.  I am a MUCH happier person in the second photo, that's for dang sure.

I FINALLY cleaned out my closet.  I donated 15 garbage bags full of clothes that were just kinda old and crappy.  I sold a bunch of things on eBay this past week and made almost $300 doing it, so I can get some more clothes that actually fit.  I've been so limited on what I can wear, because I have a handful of tee's and shirts that fit.  All of my hoodies have gotten too big, and all of my fave t-shirts are starting to get super baggy to the point where I look like a bum wearing them.  Even my surgeon commented on this last week when I had my 9-month follow up.  

And speaking of my surgeon, I LOVE HIM.  Like, seriously love him.  He's the most kind-hearted, intelligent, compassionate doctor I've ever met.  I will miss him over the next year, when I go to only yearly appointments.  And he gives the best hugs when you make him happy :)

I also need to vent about something, or rather, someone.  That would be Ms. Rosie O'Donnell.  I used to be a big fan of hers, but this is going WAY back.  Like back when she still did good stand up, and was a VJ on VH1.  Anyone remember that?  Anyhow, I have read the recent articles that she had weight loss surgery, and has lost 40 pounds. Just.40.Pounds.  And here is where I am very unpopular, because I think if you need weight loss surgery to drop 40 pounds, you're fucking lazy.  Drop the donut, take your ass to the gym and bust your ass, dropping 40 pounds is not that difficult if you actually work at it.  But WLS for 40 pounds?  She's more nucking futs than I originally thought.

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People and their bad decisions...

So I have to vent today about people who piss me off.  Yea yea yea, I can hear it now, so what else is new? Haha!

I belong to a few surgical support forums, and there's always going to be a mix of different people and personalities.  But the kind of people that really irritate me are those who have this tool, eat like shit, and bitch that they're not losing weight.  Take for example Jackie (not her real name, obviously).  Her forums posts read like a true obese person (really, I'm not judging, because I've been there...but still).  Constant photos of plates of food (her last one was a plate with a slice of cheese and pepperoni pizza, chicken wings, breadsticks and ranch dip - hardly what I would call bariatric friendly food).  Someone asked her if she ate it all.  Her reply was no, she couldn't finish the breadsticks.  So....she ate pizza and and couldn't finish her bread.  Well no shit.  I have no idea how she manages to do it.  She just posted a link to her MyFitnessPal food diary...and here are a few of her days.

B: skipped
L: 1 slice of blueberry pie
D: 6 chicken wings, 12 oz. can Diet Coke
S: 2 mini bags of popcorn

B: skipped
L: 1 bottle of Snapple
D: 6 chicken wings
S: slice of zucchini bread, mini bag of popcorn

She also feasts on:  bags of potato chips with French onion dip, sausage patties and scrambled eggs, hot dogs from a gas station, and 2-3 juice pouches at a time.

This girl has the balls of steel to be MAD AT HER SURGEON!  Mad because he's saying she should be losing more.  Well no frikkin shit!  I cannot imagine how she's losing weight, but I imagine her pre-op diet must of been way worse than this, if she's eating this shit and actually losing weight.

Which brings me to my new favorite TV addiction My 600 Lb. Life.  Wow, this show. Never have I seen a bigger group of whiny "woe-is-me" people.  Oh wah wah wah, I'm STARVING on this 1200 calorie a day diet.  Really?  Try 800 calories.  No, you won't starve. You might actually lose weight!

One of the episodes had this woman who not only didn't lose, she gained, and she was in such denial she would blame the doctor, the scale, anything. She actually told someone she must of lost 350 pounds, and then said her starting weight must of been off.  No, you're just in denial.

Another girl had a family who would bring her food and junk into the hospital because she was refusing to eat the hospital food and her mother didn't want her to starve to death. At almost 700 pounds, I'm quite confident she wasn't going to starve to death, and probably would of gnawed off her own arm before that happened.

One one of my weight loss forums, someone posted that she feels responsible for other people, and would steer them in the right way if they were going off track.  I replied that I would not.  I gotta do me, and not worry about anyone else.  Granted, I'll bitch about other people, but I'm not about to hold someone's hand and make sure they're doing this right.  I'm not a damn babysitter and I'm sorry, but if you're not willing to put in the work, than maybe you're just not ready for this journey.


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